Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Participant: Monica W.

Monica W.
Event: Ithaca Chill Challenge 2018
To donate, choose whether to:
Dip/Dodge Tallies
$110 $255
$365 towards goal of $300

New! Donate to the entire team: Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services

I work at Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services and am here to support this community and all the people who utilize 518!


Showing 1-9 of 9 items.

Kevin Adelman donated $40 [Dodge] on 01-01-2018

bari and marc adelman donated $50 [Dodge] on 12-31-2017

don't do it! too cold!!

Nikki Katzur donated $50 [Dodge] on 12-31-2017

Lisa Weimer donated $115 [Dodge] on 12-30-2017

Stay warm and dodge the chill! Good luck....

Jenna Bock donated $25 [Dip] on 12-23-2017


corey adelman donated $30 [Dip] on 12-19-2017

Miranda Harvey donated $5 [Dip] on 12-03-2017

Be prepared- that water is cold! Phew!

Caroline Hyneman donated $25 [Dip] on 11-27-2017

let's dip her folks!!!

Judy and Carol donated $25 [Dip] on 11-26-2017

Thanks for participating! We're looking forward to celebrating New Year's day together! Event Co-Chairs

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

518 West Seneca St Ithaca, NY 14850