Anonymous donated $40 [Dodge] on 12-31-2017
To donate, choose whether to: | ||
OR | ||
Dip/Dodge Tallies |
$30 | $75 | |
$105 towards goal of $200 | ||
I am a counselor at Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services and I am excited to support our community and bring to light the amazing services for substance use recovery! =)
Anonymous donated $40 [Dodge] on 12-31-2017
Monica weimer donated $10 [Dodge] on 12-31-2017
We’re gonna watch from the shore
Miranda Harvey donated $5 [Dip] on 12-03-2017
Stacey Moskwa donated $25 [Dodge] on 11-27-2017
Judy and Carol donated $25 [Dip] on 11-26-2017
Thanks for participating! We're looking forward to celebrating New Year's day together! Event Co-Chairs
Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc
518 West Seneca St Ithaca, NY 14850