Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Participant: Catherine Rossiter

Catherine Rossiter
Event: Ithaca Chill Challenge 2018
To donate, choose whether to:
Dip/Dodge Tallies
$0 $200
$200 towards goal of $200

New! Donate to the entire team: The Stepsisters


Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Kirk Tolhurst donated $150 [Dodge] on 01-01-2018

Dodge from Kirk!

Diane Schafer donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-31-2017

dodge it all the way!! brrr!

Judy and Carol donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-30-2017

Thanks for participating and for your support! xoxox

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

518 West Seneca St Ithaca, NY 14850