Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Participant: Lisa CT

Lisa CT
Event: Ithaca Chill Challenge 2019
To donate, choose whether to:
Dip/Dodge Tallies
$350 $1,090
$1,440 towards goal of $350

New! Donate to the entire team: St. Catherine Water Walkers

Because of your support of the Ithaca Chill Challenge, every day of the week there is a safe space at 518 W. Seneca St for people to walk the road of recovery.

One Day At A Time.


Showing 1-20 of 33 items.

Ken White donated $20 [Dip] on 12-31-2018

Susan Piliero donated $20 [Dodge] on 01-08-2019

Hans Baerwald and Helen Bigsby donated $50 [Dodge] on 12-02-0002

Make a splash if you dip and do a happy dance if you dodge❤️

Lee and Veronica Johnson donated $25 [Dodge] on 01-01-2019

Joan McCarty donated $25 [Dip] on 01-01-2019

Thanks for your participation

Jane Bonassar donated $25 [Dodge] on 01-01-2019

Stay warm!

Sharon Palmer donated $40 [Dip] on 12-31-2018

Alexia, should Lisa Dip or Dodge?

Brian & Nancy Corbin donated $50 [Dip] on 12-31-2018

Thanks for your participation and we hope you enjoy the water!

Tom Dunn donated $20 [Dodge] on 12-31-2018

Dana Magnuson donated $40 [Dodge] on 12-31-2018

My hope is that you can sip coffee on the shoreline. You are a warrior either way!

Danielle Trial Lucini donated $25 [Dip] on 12-31-2018

I’m voting dip just because I like to swim against the crowd!

Michelle Carrier-Trial donated $100 [Dodge] on 12-30-2018

This is so you don't freeze your bunns off !!!!!

Carmen M. Hockett donated $50 [Dodge] on 12-30-2018

dolores carrier donated $100 [Dodge] on 12-30-2018

Lisa, Hope you can stay dry. Love Mom& Dad C. !

Patty Thayer donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-29-2018

The Artful Dodger...

John and Diane Bradac donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-29-2018

You all are brave souls!

Renee Horton donated $20 [Dodge] on 12-28-2018

Sue Hyatt donated $10 [Dodge] on 12-28-2018

Awesome that you’re willing to take the plunge for a great cause, Lisa, but I think you should stay dry.

Paul Mikowski donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-27-2018

Good work for a great cause!

Jane McCarty and Michael Bell donated $100 [Dodge] on 12-26-2018

Thanks for doing the challenge. Stay Warm!!

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

518 West Seneca St Ithaca, NY 14850