Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Participant: Tom O'Toole

Tom O'Toole
Event: Ithaca Chill Challenge 2019
To donate, choose whether to:
Dip/Dodge Tallies
$365 $350
$715 towards goal of $200

New! Donate to the entire team: St. Catherine Water Walkers

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.  A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. "  -DH Lawrence

Please help support the recovery community in Ithaca by donating to support this wonderful cause. 

The Ithaca Chill Challenge is an annual fundraiser for Ithaca Community Recovery (or affectionately known as 518). The challenge is similar to a “Polar Bear Plunge”, but with a twist. The Twist - each participant will have their own page for donations, and their donors can “vote” with their $$$ to either…“Dip ’em” and they’ll have to run into the lake for a dip OR let ’em “Dodge” and they’ll get to stay dry and watch from the shore! Your friends, loved ones, co-workers, frenemies, siblings, and assorted other donors decide your fate!

Ithaca Community Recovery is a not-for-profit corporation serving as a community resource. They provide safe, affordable, drug/alcohol free meeting and event space for 12 Step and other recovery oriented groups, individuals and their families.





Showing 1-20 of 22 items.

HENRY O'Toole donated $15 [Dip] on 01-01-2019

Hi Dad

Ewa Pillardy donated $15 [Dodge] on 01-01-2019

Stephen Jesch donated $10 [Dodge] on 01-01-2019

Jane Bonassar donated $25 [Dodge] on 01-01-2019

Stay warm!

Peter Smet donated $20 [Dip] on 01-01-2019

Dip all the way!

Chris Pollock & Kerry Curran donated $30 [Dodge] on 12-31-2018

Trying to redeem myself after last year's cruel "dip" donation...

Tommy O’Toole donated $100 [Dip] on 12-31-2018

Sorry Cuz, it only stings for a minute.....

Tom Dunn donated $20 [Dodge] on 12-31-2018

Bonita & Ben Davis donated $10 [Dodge] on 12-30-2018

Stay dry....

Sue Hyatt donated $10 [Dodge] on 12-28-2018

Hopefully, tipping the scales in favor of keeping you warm & dry, Tom. You’re a good soul to take the risk of potentially ending up in the water.

Anonymous donated $145 [Dip] on 12-27-2018

Had to make it a little more suspenseful by evening it up. Good luck, Tom!

Doug Miller donated $20 [Dodge] on 12-27-2018

Matching Donation (Jennifer Kusznir) donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-26-2018

Matching Donation (Rebecca & Jake Brenner) donated $20 [Dip] on 12-26-2018

Matching Donation (Anonymous) donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-26-2018

jennifer kusznir donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-26-2018

Stay inside and drink hot cocoa!

Rebecca & Jake Brenner donated $20 [Dip] on 12-26-2018


Anonymous donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-26-2018

Stay warm!

Stefy Smith donated $20 [Dip] on 12-19-2018

John & Joan O'Toole donated $100 [Dodge] on 12-19-2018

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

518 West Seneca St Ithaca, NY 14850