Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc ~ Ithaca Chill Challenge 2024

Participant: Pineapple

Event: Ithaca Chill Challenge 2019
To donate, choose whether to:
Dip/Dodge Tallies
$105 $775
$880 towards goal of $500

New! Donate to the entire team: Ithaca Safety League

I'm proud to support my friends Judy Epstein and Carol Miller in this their 4th year of organizing this grand event!!

Tompkins County is known for being resource-rich, regardless there are many individuals in our community that battle addiction and/or recovery EVERY day. They're our relatives, our neighbors, our co-workers, our friends, and our selves. Help me to continue to bring the reality of addiction to the forefront, and let's celebrate those who are winning the battle!!

Every dollar counts, but there are other ways to give.... just come out to the Ithaca Yacht Club on January 1st and cheer us on!!


Emily Mallar

Founder, Ithaca Safety League 



Showing 1-15 of 15 items.

Anonymous donated $50 [Dodge] on 01-01-2019


Hilary Mallar donated $100 [Dodge] on 01-01-2019

Elaina Rogers donated $50 [Dodge] on 01-01-2019

Lisa and David donated $50 [Dodge] on 12-31-2018

Pine, We wanted to say Skanks Ahoy, but some anonymous donor already took that line. So enjoy the shoreline! Love, D&L

Kevin Travis Flint donated $50 [Dodge] on 12-30-2018

becky benjamin donated $100 [Dodge] on 12-28-2018

JudySue donated $25 [Dip] on 12-26-2018

Really? You dodging this year? We'll see about that. Thanks so much for all you do for this event. You're the best!!

The Pilates Room & AmtiGravity Studio donated $100 [Dodge] on 12-25-2018


Tori Brown donated $25 [Dodge] on 12-25-2018

Here’s to hot cocoa on shore!

Dani donated $30 [Dip] on 12-25-2018

We don’t skinny DIP We chunky dunk

David G Evelyn donated $50 [Dodge] on 12-25-2018

It is worth it to see you all dressed up

Anonymous donated $100 [Dodge] on 12-25-2018

Anonymous donated $100 [Dodge] on 12-18-2018

Skanks Ahoy

Ann and Doug donated $25 [Dip] on 12-16-2018

Carol donated $25 [Dip] on 12-13-2018

Thanks for participating in this year's challenge! We love the Ithaca Safety League! Judy & Carol Event Co-Chairs

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

Ithaca Community Recovery, Inc

518 West Seneca St Ithaca, NY 14850